Feb. 28, 2017
Rep. Steve Mentzer (R-Lititz)
Applications for the 2017 Summer Turnpike Program for toll, maintenance, clerical and engineering positions are now being accepted. As has been the case in the past, the number of positions available is limited.
All summer applications must be completed online at
patumpike.com. Be sure that when completing the application, applicants select “Summer Work” under the user information tab of the application and that they select “Summer Positions Desired” under the interested positions tab of the application.
The deadline to submit applications to my district office is Monday. March 20. Please note that both new hires and rehires must complete the summer application. If a rehire does not complete the application they will not be placed.
Please make copies of the online application and forward them to my district office, as well as following up with a phone call.
All students placed in positions will be required to provide proof of enrollment in an undergraduate/graduate program for the fall 2017 semester before they can begin their employment. You will be prompted to download the verification information as part of the online application process.
While an application can be filled out, it will NOT be considered complete until the verification information is provided.
Details of the summer program are as follows:
• All eligible candidates must be at least 18 years of age and completed a secondary education program such as high school or GED at the time of hiring.
• Toll collectors must be available to work any of the three shifts over a 24-hour period including weekends and holidays. Employees work a 40-hour week and receive no benefits.
• The pay is $11.50/hour for toll collectors and $11/hour for maintenance, engineering and clerical positions.
• The program is limited to 16 weeks per employee and runs between May 1 and Sept. 30.